Handmade fused glassware and jewellery
© 2025 Racing Tabby.
We are a Partnership based in a small village just outside Colchester, Essex. Both of us have had long working lives commuting to London every day and it is now time to do something creative and a bit different from our previous careers.
This is Linda. She is a retired Chartered Building Surveyor now enjoying her silver career following redundancy from the construction industry.
She is responsible for the manufacture and technical side of the business.
This is Nick. He is a retired Solicitors Managing Clerk who specialised in Criminal Law.
He is responsible for the logistics, reality checking and catering side of the business.
This is Dusty. She was a founder member of Racing Tabby and her responsibilities were secretarial services and support.
This is Snowdrop and she is our newest member of staff. After a long round of negotiations for the role of Postroom and Packaging Ofiicer she has decided her main duties are shredding, paper flattening and box testing.